Septic Design & Installation


As of January 2023, Sentinel Excavating has installed about 140 septic systems and completed about 35 designs since starting out in business in 2015!

Joe Karthein is a licensed “ROWP” or Registered Onsite Wastewater Practitioner with both PL (Planner) and IN (Installer) designations.  Having the “Planner” designation as an Installer helps immensely when it comes to plan alterations and fast decision-making during the install resulting in a system that fits your needs better and coming in at a more reasonable price.

Here is a link to a March 2023 cover story that one my one-man show that circulated to Wastewater professionals all over the US and Canada:

In British Columbia private sewage system owners are “required by law to retain an Authorized Person (ROWP or Professional) to plan, install and maintain the sewerage system (or supervise same), as outlined in the SSR.”  (SPM Version 3, page 1-13.)

Whatever your needs are from small, simple, gravity-based systems to large, elaborate, pressurized systems for tricky sites, Joe will either be able to help you directly himself or refer you to another ROWP or Professional Engineer who can.

 There are dozens of different methods for the legal onsite treatment of sewage on private property.  Below are links to explanations and photo’s of jobs Sentinel Excavating has completed of the most commonly used systems.

Every site has unique requirements.  Through site analysis, sizing of the existing or planned dwelling, and soil test results then following the guidelines of the BC SPM and the rules of the BC SSR, Joe will work with you to build the simplest and most cost effective solution to wastewater treatment for your property.   It usually all starts with a conversation, a site visit, then digging some soil test pits followed by permeameter testing.

Permeameter / Auger


The tools of the trade:
The permeameter on the left is a tool for testing how fast water percolates through native soils. The auger on the right digs the hole for permeameter testing.